+371 66917171

About Us

READING plays a vital role in promoting a person’s intellectual and emotional development, as it stimulates imagination, expands vocabulary, improves the ability to concentrate, see and distinguish the important from the unimportant, expands the perception of the world, and provides satisfaction and joy.

Brunomaster’s reading and learning solutions help students achieve their goals in education and realize their potential in life.

Contact Us

Brunomaster, SIA
69 Slokas iela, Jurmala
Latvia, LV-2015
Tel.: +371 66917171
E-mail: info@brunomaster.com
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SIA Brunomaster ir noslēdzis 04.12.2018. līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2018/204 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.
+371 66917171