BrunoMaster- a educational platform, where the text is being read to the user while also displaying the text on a screen in front of the user.
BrunoMaster allows you to see the scanned or imported text at different font sizes and follow the audio file being read out loud.
Text navigation:
• by page
• by paragraphs
• by sentences
• by words
• by letter
• by syllables
Audio files can be exported to external devices such as MP3 players, USB flash drives, and Android-based phones
BrunoMaster scans and reads texts in more than 50 languages and voices.
schools, libraries, etc.
people with language developmental disorders or dyslexia can get access to information from the printed text and to improve the learning process in general;
students with visual impairments;
students can save school materials in audio format and then listen to them in a way that is convenient for them;
seniors to see the text in enlarged mode and / or listen in audio format.
Bruno comes complete with Brunomaster – a educational platform.
Bruno gives you the opportunity to make full use of the built-in Windows OS computer and install your own programs like internet browser, different MP3 playback software in addition to the original ones, etc.
SIA Brunomaster ir noslēdzis 04.12.2018. līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2018/204 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.